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Project MEMBER


Internatinal Satoyama Culture Association Director

Kuniji Tsubaki

Director of this project as well as the owner of "Tsubaki House". Working extensively as Architect, Tea Ceremony Master, Representative Director of Design Institute, also served as a member of "Kita" Ward Council, now contributing to his local town of Kozaki and launched this project.

Also plays a center role to provide accommodation, workshops(tea ceremony, caligraphy, etc.) and programs(agriculture, cultural events) for travelers. Utilizing "Tsubaki House" as an event venue, and plans BBQs and social gatherings.

little forest YouYou


Mihoko Takeda

This popular Kozaki Cafe & Restaurant attracts locals and tourists, for chat over coffee or tea or for healthy daily set meals incorporating fermented products. Two friendly shopkeepers set the atmosphere, and many fascinated fans frequent this place.

In charge of "Food" related part of the Project shcu as catering/sales and creating new menu using "Fermented" products. At "Sake Brewery Festival" in March, serve "Ferm-Fun-Platter".


Kozaki-City Community Development Department

Satomi Sawada

Established "Road Station -Fermentation Village Kozaki-" to promote fermentation "culture" not only to domestic tourists but to all over the world and become the centre for foreign visitors. Restaurant and retail stores in the facility are all "Fermentation" themed. Satomi Sawada is an appointed Kozaki-city Tourism Ambassador, nicknamed "Osato-chan" for her cheerful character, and gets invites from events all over the country. In the project, operates hands-on experience facility "Waku Waku Nishi no Shiro"(meaning fun-filled westside castle). Local cultural experiences such as fermented food and indigo dyeing, and bicycle rentals for cycling around town. Also serves as town's Tourism Ambassador.

Narita International Airport Co., Ltd.

Department of Community Symbiosis

In 1978, opens Narita Airport. As an international hub airport, contributed to world economy and cultural exchage by helping the development of global aviation network. Building trust as a member of the community, aimed to be an airport that contributes to a richer and vibrant society. In the Project, establishment and PR acitivities of service counter for arriving tourists. Planning of inbound tours and handling information.


Kozaki Daishi Daigo school of Shingon Sect

Dainichi-zan Kozaki-ji 

"Kozaki-ji" Buddhist Temple is one of 88 Holy Ground for Pilgrimage in Kanto area. It has been considered a symbol of faith since Ancient time in Kozaki where religion was respected as part of culture. Locals have close bond with the Temple, calling it by nicknames like "oyama" or "Otaishi sama". Many worshippers come for spirit-cleansing fire ceremony, penitence ritual to redeem sins, or esoteric meditation regularly at the milestone in their lives. In the Project, they offer programs ex. Fasting Camp, introduction to Buddhist monk training, etc. Also hold open events and traditional ceremonies throughout the year.

Management organization

Hokuso-Satoyama Culture Promotion Council



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